30 Day Meal Plan
Purchase a 30 day meal plan that you can utilize over the course of 30 days. The 30 day meal plan includes 30 meals that must be picked up within 30 days of purchase. Meals can be picked up at once, once per day, once per week or whatever fits your plans and goals. Upon picking up, pay attention to expiration dates. We will not be able to refund or return any meals that expire after pickup.
Use this meal plan to fuel your body for 2 meals/day or even 3 if you're stumped on what to cook, aren't sure how to cook a balanced meal, have a crazy busy week coming up or just plain don't want to cook. Whatever you need these meals for, we're here for you!
The meals included in this meal plan include only our in-stock meals during the 30 day pickup window. This meal plan pricing is not available for custom meal plans. Limit of 10 seafood meals per 30 day meal plan.
The 14 Meal Plan breaks down to less than $12.00 per meal!